(Kaka‘ako, O‘ahu, Hawai‘i) Papa Ola Lōkahi has been awarded $20,000 from the Office of Hawaiian Affairs to support COVID-19 testing and vaccination events in rural and predominantly Hawaiian communities throughout the islands.
Since early 2021, Papa Ola Lōkahi (POL) and the Native Hawaiian & Pacific Islander Hawai‘i COVID-19 Response, Recovery & Resilience Team (NHPI 3R) have been supporting community-friendly events in rural communities to offer health education, COVID-19 testing, and vaccinations.
“These community pop-ups have been incredibly successful in the way they have been based in communities, featured local celebrities, local entertainment and local doctors, and offered services and educational materials to the public,” waxes Dr. Sheri Daniels, Papa Ola Lōkahi executive director. “They have attracted neighbors, friends and whole families to come out and learn more.”
In partnership with the Department of Health, medical providers such as Project Vision Hawai‘i, COVIDpau, Honolulu Community Action Program, Ke Ola Mamo and other health care providers, Honolulu Fire Department, Keiki Heroes and others, the funding will enable POL, which serves as the backbone organization for the NHPI 3R, to maintain the quality of outreach that has been successful, and broaden its reach to neighbor island rural communities.
“OHA is also demonstrating its support of the NHPI 3R, whose collective work includes standardizing the way COVID-related data is collected, analyzed and reported,” Daniels continues. “Papa Ola Lōkahi has been tracking emerging research and guidance, evaluating social services and safety net programs, and implementing innovative outreach into Native Hawaiian (and Pacific Islander) communities.”
OHA serves on the board of Papa Ola Lōkahi .
The funding will support testing and vaccination events through the end of June on all islands in partnership with the five Native Hawaiian Health Care Systems and other Hawaiian-serving community partners.
Papa Ola Lōkahi, the Hawaiian Health Board established in 1988, is charged with raising the health status of Native Hawaiians to the highest possible level, which it achieves through partnership, programs and public policy. Learn more at
Native Hawaiian & Pacific Islander Hawai‘i COVID-19 Response, Recovery & Resiliency Team was established in May 2020 to improve the collection and reporting of accurate data, identify and lend support to initiatives across Hawai‘i to address COVID-19 among Native Hawaiians and Pacific Islanders, and unify to establish a presence in the decision-making processes and policies that impact our communities. Learn more at
Office of Hawaiian Affairs, established by the state Constitutional Convention in 1978, is a semi-autonomous state agency mandated to better conditions of Native Hawaiians. Guided by a board of nine publicly-elected trustees, OHA fulfills its mandate through advocacy, research, community engagement, land management and the funding of community programs. Learn more at
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