Friday, December 9, 2016, 9:00 AM

Department of Land and Natural Resources

1151 Punchbowl St, Room 132

Dr. Sheri-Ann Daniels, Executive Director

Papa Ola Lōkahi, the Native Hawaiian Board of Health, opposes the holdover of revocable permits to Alexander & Baldwin and East Maui Irrigation Company.

Recommendations from the E Ola Mau Native Hawaiian Health Needs Assessment in 1985 include increasing access to and engagement among Native Hawaiians to traditional and/or subsistence fishing and farming practices to improve community health. More recently, the 2013 publication Assessment & Priorities for Health & Well-Being in Native Hawaiians and other Pacific Peoples asserts improved health behaviors and outcomes among Hawaiians involved in activities of land, food and health.

From Governor David Ige’s goal to reduce the State’s dependence on imported foods, to the World Health Organization’s look at policies and measures for increasing access to healthy diets, to Article 20 of the United Nations Declaration on the Rights of Indigenous Peoples, which states: Indigenous peoples have the right to maintain and develop their political, economic and social systems or institutions, to be secure in the enjoyment of their own means of subsistence and development, and to engage freely in all their traditional and other economic activities, it is well documented that access to land, food and cultural practice will improve health and economic outcomes.

POL promotes policy and practices in Hawai‘i tying together land, food and health, activities that would be critically impacted if healthy stream waters are diverted away from lo‘i, family and community farms, and downstream fishing grounds.

Further, we urge the State of Hawai‘i Board of Land &Natural Resources to compel the applicants to bear the burden of proving why, having harvested the last of the sugar cane on Maui for which these waters were diverted, they deserve to continue diverting the life-giving waters of Nā Wai Eha.

Mahalo nui for the opportunity to offer testimony in opposition to extended water permits to Alexander & Baldwin and East Maui Irrigation Co.

Ka Wai I ke Ola! Water is Life! Water is Well-Being!

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PAPA OLA LŌKAHI seeks an IT Administrator, responsible for maintaining all aspects of the organization's network and information technology equipment.

AD IT Administrator 2016 1107

AD IT Administrator 2016 1107 AD IT Administrator 2016 1107




In one PDF file, e-mail by 11/21/2016 4:00 PM HST to  This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. or mail to POL Human Resources, 894 Queen Street, Honolulu  HI  96813:

No walk-ins or phone calls, please.    

Equal Opportunity Employer



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Please take 3-minutes to complete the Community Health Pulse Survey developed by Papa Ola Lōkahi.

This survey is designed to give quick insight into the health of our communities.

The survey will be available online from October through November 2016. Your responses are anonymous and confidential.

Scan QR code or link to

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The Native Hawaiian Health Scholarship Program, a program of Papa Ola Lōkahi, is proud to announce eight scholarships awarded to students in health care professions.


NHHSP 2016 2017 scholars


Professional training being funded in this year’s cohort includes students in medicine, nursing, pharmacy, and social work.  Scholars are enrolled in bachelors, masters and doctorate programs.

“This cohort includes a good cross-section of disciplines,” points out M. Keaulana Holt, NHHSP director, “which enables us to contribute to several different professional gaps in Hawai‘i.”

The Native Hawaiian Health Scholarship Program (NHHSP) addresses access to health care by developing a Native Hawaiian health care workforce of professionals committed to serving the unique health needs of Hawaiian communities. The program recruits and nurtures professionals-in-training for primary and mental care disciplines most needed to deliver quality, culturally competent health services to Kānaka Maoli in Hawai‘i.

This merit-based program awards scholarships to eligible individuals that are dedicated to providing primary health services to Native Hawaiians and their families in Hawai‘i.  Scholars receive funding for tuition, books, other related educational costs, and a monthly stipend while enrolled full-time in an accredited university/college program. Scholarship recipients are obligated to serve full-time in medically under-served areas in Hawai‘i for two (minimum) to four (maximum) years, depending upon the length of scholarship support.  A coordinated service plan (licensure, service site) is designed for each scholar, matching health provider to community.

More than 265 scholarship awards have been made in almost 20 different health and mental health disciplines.

Of the eight 2016 scholars, two are studying in the continental US, and six are training on O‘ahu in both public and private universities.  One is a second-time awardee who has completed the service obligation that was attached to the first scholarship award.

The scholars are:

  • Kapono Ikala‘i Chang                                   Medicine, A.T. Stills
  • Alyssa Ann Ka‘ihilani Chun-Honda            Medicine, John A. Burns School of Medicine
  • Michelle Izzi                                                   Nursing, University of Phoenix Honolulu
  • Leimomi Kanagusuku                                   Medicine, John A. Burns School of Medicine
  • Ka‘imaile Kiefer                                             Nursing, UH Hilo
  • Michael Keawe Makaimoku                         Pharmacy, Lake Erie College
  • Ashley Morisako                                            Medicine, John A. Burns School of Medicine
  • Clarence Bernard Vierra                               Social work, Myron B. Thompson School of Social Work

“It has been demonstrated that Hawaiians are more likely to seek care when they feel they can relate to the health care providers,” says Holt.IMG 8098

Earlier this year, the program placed more than ten NHHSP graduates into worksites around the islands where they are now serving their communities as health professionals.

“There are needs on all islands and we fill them with the best candidates for those communities,” asserts Holt.  “Several of our alumni are working in their home communities.”

“The real measure of success is how a more robust Hawaiian health care workforce is impacting the health and well-being of our communities.”

For more information about the Native Hawaiian Health Scholarship Program visit our website at    Applications for the year will open on December 1, 2017.

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Kāhuna, Traditions of Hawaiian Medicinal Priests and Healing Practitioners, by Rev. Malcolm Nāea Chun, Ph.D.


Papa Ola Lōkahi is pleased to announce the publication of a new book, Kāhuna, Traditions of Hawaiian Medicinal Priests and Healing Practitioners, by Rev. Malcolm Nāea Chun, Ph.D.

Whereas earlier publications by Dr. Chun have focused on plant medicine, this volume focuses on the priests and practitioners who developed and prescribed treatments through prayer, ritual, medicines, and more.  Beginning with the origins of Hawaiian medicinal kahuna, it brings the reader to the present day realities facing practitioners.

More works by Dr. Chun, and supported by Papa Ola Lōkahi, can be found hereKāhuna is available at local bookstores.

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