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FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE:  January 15, 2019   [PDF attached]


Applications open for 2019-2020

Native Hawaiian Health Scholarship


The Native Hawaiian Health Scholarship Program (NHHSP), a program of Papa Ola Lōkahi (POL), is pleased to announce that it is now accepting applications from students in health care and allied health professions for the 2019-2020 academic year.  Information may be found at www.nhhsp.org.  The deadline to apply online is March 1, 2019.

Awards are made to students enrolled or enrolling full-time in an accredited college in Hawai‘i or the continental U.S.  The scholarship benefits include tuition, other school related expenses, and a monthly living stipend. Upon completion of the degree and required training and licensure, the recipient shall serve two to four years of full-time employment in designated medically underserved sites in Hawai‘i.

Applications are being accepted for 17 different health and allied health professions, including clinical psychology, dentistry, dental hygiene, dietetics, marriage & family therapy, nursing, medicine, optometry, pharmacy, physician’s assistant, public health and social work.   

More than 284 scholarship awards have been made in almost 20 different health and behavioral health disciplines since 1991. 

“This program has been successful because Hawaiian communities have been served by homegrown health professionals, and our alumni scholars have risen to positions of leadership.”  POL executive director Dr. Sheri-Ann Daniels says proudly.  “We encourage anyone who is interested in pursuing a health or allied health field to apply and be part of the Hawaiian health community.”

The entire application process is online.

For more information about the Native Hawaiian Health Scholarship Program visit www.nhhsp.org.

Scholarship inquiries:  This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

Media inquiries:  This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

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POL Christmas Card 2018 revClick on image to view the entire 8-page newsletter.


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Oral Health Survey


This survey will help us and the five Native Hawaiian Health Care Systems understand the status, capacity and needs of good oral health for you, your families and your community. 

Click here, click on the image above, or paste https://www.surveymonkey.com/r/SoMedia-OH  into your browser.

Mahalo for your time and mana'o!

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Community Voices social.jpg

We at Papa Ola Lōkahi are pleased to announce that we are launching the second edition of our Community Voices Project. Community Voices is our opportunity to listen to and understand stories from communities around health behaviors and health care usage.

Your voice is valuable.  The Community Voices Project invites you to share your mana‘o.  This time around we will be asking about your knowledge and usage of Enabling Services. 


This online survey is being distributed through our Hawaiian health networks that include the five Native Hawaiian Health Care Systems and other health care providers that serve Hawaiian populations and patient bases.

Papa Ola Lōkahi is committed to providing quality care to our communities and the same high level of conduct in our practices.  This project is an innovative way to continue the growth and success of health and wellbeing in our Native Hawaiian communities.  We are proud to develop and maintain relationships throughout our communities around health and well-being, and are committed to consistently upholding the values of Hawaiian healing and mauliola in to the future.   

For additional information about Community Voices project or to partner on this project, please contact us.   

Mahalo nui,

  • This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.,  (808) 597-6550 x214
  • This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it., (808) 597-6550 x215                              
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